Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Malachi Andrew Cochran
" Messenger of the Lord "

Born at July 12, 2009 at 1:15pm
Weight: 8 lbs 3 ounces
Lenght: 20 1/2 inches long

Birth story:

On Sunday July 12th, we headed to the hospital around 8 o'clock. The hospital had a room for me to do a selective induce.
Shortly after we arrived, Nurse Sue came in to checked my blood pressure, I was hooked up to the baby heartbeat/contraction monitor and to the IV. Nurse Sue turned on Pitocin ( a very low dose )and asked me what was my plan for a pain relief. I told her I might request for epideral so she had me read a consent form and waited to see an Anasteseologiest. My OB arrived around 9:20 am. He then checked my cervix and decided to break my water. After my water broke, I entered to the second stage very quick. My contraction was coming very strong and I tried my best to bear it. Nurse Sue turned off Pitocin since I had a contraction of my own. About an hour later, I finally requested for an epideral because of the pain was so intense and I wanted to be able to relax and enjoyed the birth experience. The epideral worked okay although the lower part of my body was numb, but the pain shifted to the back. I couldn't explain in words how hurt was it. I increased the dosage and felt very sleepy so, I took a little nap. Later on, my OB came in again since I was ready to push. After 3 sets of pushing, Malachi Andrew Cochran has entered the world !
I will never forget the look on my husband's face when he saw our child for the first time, so filled with happiness and pride. Would I do it all over again? May be... We would like to try to have a girl (:

Thank you, Jesus!!