Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekly pictures update

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More pictures of Kye

1 week 3 days old (:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kye's first clip

Monday, July 20, 2009

Micah's pictures

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kye's pictures - 4 days old (:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Malachi Andrew Cochran
" Messenger of the Lord "

Born at July 12, 2009 at 1:15pm
Weight: 8 lbs 3 ounces
Lenght: 20 1/2 inches long

Birth story:

On Sunday July 12th, we headed to the hospital around 8 o'clock. The hospital had a room for me to do a selective induce.
Shortly after we arrived, Nurse Sue came in to checked my blood pressure, I was hooked up to the baby heartbeat/contraction monitor and to the IV. Nurse Sue turned on Pitocin ( a very low dose )and asked me what was my plan for a pain relief. I told her I might request for epideral so she had me read a consent form and waited to see an Anasteseologiest. My OB arrived around 9:20 am. He then checked my cervix and decided to break my water. After my water broke, I entered to the second stage very quick. My contraction was coming very strong and I tried my best to bear it. Nurse Sue turned off Pitocin since I had a contraction of my own. About an hour later, I finally requested for an epideral because of the pain was so intense and I wanted to be able to relax and enjoyed the birth experience. The epideral worked okay although the lower part of my body was numb, but the pain shifted to the back. I couldn't explain in words how hurt was it. I increased the dosage and felt very sleepy so, I took a little nap. Later on, my OB came in again since I was ready to push. After 3 sets of pushing, Malachi Andrew Cochran has entered the world !
I will never forget the look on my husband's face when he saw our child for the first time, so filled with happiness and pride. Would I do it all over again? May be... We would like to try to have a girl (:

Thank you, Jesus!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My last pregnancy picture

Tomorrow, if the hospital is not full I am going to the hospital for inducing labor.
So, this would be my last pregnancy picture. Dave is doing steam cleaning the carpet for all the rooms and trying to get things done before the baby get home.

-Here is the picture of a steam cleaner he uses for carpet cleaning. He rents it for $30 a day from True Value. It is cheaper to do it ourselve than using a service. The pain part is moving the furnitures around.

Micah is spending a night over Tom & P' Noi's house. He is happy because he knows he cans play more of WII games over there. If I have the baby by tomorrow evening, P' Noi and Tom will bring him to the hospital, otherwise Dave will pick him up.

After the baby is born, I have a lot of things to do. Our place is still not organize. I still have to do more cleaning and organizing. I really do need help, but I have nobody! I wish I could have Oak flies to Alaska and help me out with this!

I better get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day of my life. I can hardly wait to meet Malachi! So does Dave and Micah!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ultrasound Images of Malachi

The following images are Malachi's ultrasound done at 26 weeks. Dave and I want to wait and see our bundle of joy in person so we didn't do 3D or 4D u/s.

Note: Malachi is pronounced "Ma-la-kye ". The meaning of the name Malachi is messenger of God. We will call him " Kye " for short.

What was happening on my Birthday ???

Let's continue to talk about what was happening on my Birthday? Well.. it was my day off so, I got up at 7:00 am and cooked " Mieng Pla Too " or " Deep Fried Mackerel with noodle, fresh vegetable and Thai house dressing" for breakfast. The result? I got so sick! I felt very nausea and dizzy after I ate it, but I had to go see Dr. Bell for a regular check-up so, I had to drag myself to his office. After 40 minutes of waiting, I finally got a chance to see him. I found out that the baby is now dropped and Everything is normal. I have an appointment with him again next week.

When I got home, I went straight to the restroom and threw up everything that I ate for breakfast! It was so nasty! I was not sure whether or not the cause of my sickness was due to the bad food or else. I just bought 2 packs of frozen mackerel from an Asian grocery on Friday and made " Mieng Pla Too" out of it. I suspected that the fish was not fresh. Anyway, I took medicine and went to bed around 11:00 AM Micah had given me a massage until I fell asleep. I got up again around 5:00 PM when Dave got home. He asked if I felt well enough to go out for dinner, but I didn't feel like it so I told him to order food from Ronnie Restaurant instead.

I woke up at 11PM and was so hungry. I had a BBQ shortrib with rice and miso soup, food that Dave ordered from the restaurant. After I finished, Dave and Micah had my Birthday cake out. The cake was from my favorite bakery shop in town. Dave got me a candle holder as a gift and Micah made me a handmade picture of our family and a birthday certificate ( I don't know why he made me a B'day certificate, but I think it is kind of cute that he has an idea that every b'day person should receive a b'day certificate). Dave and Micah sang me a Happy Birth Day song then I made a birthday wishes and blew out the candles. We sat and eat cake together then I had to take off to work.

That was pretty much what was going on on my B'day. Oh, I also received a card from grandma Odle, a B'day e-mail from my mother- in -law and also an e-mail from my old friend, Ole. That was it. I was bummed out because I supposed to get a massage at ICE SPA , but the plan was cancelled due to my sickness!

Every year, on my b'day I thought about my mom and dad, but it often make me sad because both of them have not involved with my life. I know without them I would not be born. I just can't help that sometime I feel like I am an orphan. The only relatives I have is my grandma/grandpa, my aunt and my cousin Abb. I promise to myself that I will never make my children feel like this. Anyway, when I feel sorry for myself I have to ask God to help me cope with it. It's not easy b/c many times it hurts and when it hurts so much it make me mad. I try not to let anger turn into hate, but again I have found it very difficult...

Anyhow,I am now looking forward to get a massage from ICE SPA. Again, I will post how does it go once I receive the service.

The first post

Okay, let's start writing the first post for this blog. I want to start from posting my recent picture that was taken on June 7,2009. A lady on the left is my best friend in the US ' P Noi.' I have met her through an online community webboard known as Thai2usa which is now already closed down. She has been a very good friend to me since 2004. We moved to ANC the same year. I really appreciate her friendship.

In this picture, I am about 34 weeks pregnant and it is my first pregnancy picture. I was affraid to take a picture because I know that I have gained so much weight! Ha! I know this is silly, but I just feel like I am getting so much bigger than what I expect and I was concerned about body image. Anyway, I have changed my thought already because I think of my baby. All I need is to have a healthy baby so, why should I worry about how my body will look like, right?

Having said that, I have about 5 more weeks to go until due date. I will have 3 months off from work, but my school will start on August. I still don't know how am I going to get through this... working full-time, taking 4 classes, raising 2 kids. I guess I will have to drink many cans of rockstar! I just wanted to get a bit closer to my goal.

Well, it looks like enough said for the first post. I am going to finish it and post more entries later.

Oh, by the way , I am officialy 28 years old now. Yesterday was my Birthday and I was bummed out coz I got sick all day ): I will write more later what was the cause of my sickness on my next post.